The Mind Your Body program helps busy women to unlock the power of their brain so they can
make healthy eating easier!
Every wondered why eating healthy has to be so hard?
One day coconut oil is healthy the next day is not.
And what about grains, are they good for you or not?
Let’s not even talk about actually finding the time to plan and cook healthy meals around your busy schedule.
And what about constantly giving into your cravings for salt and sugar that make you feel like a failure?
Want to know why it’s really so hard?
Why habits?
Habits help us to coast on autopilot through the day, eliminating the need to think about each and every little step.
BAD HABITS, though, can have a death grip on your mind, your behavior and ultimately your health.
They are hard to break, like for example, cutting out that 3 pm cookie.
Can you relate?
You know that it doesn’t have to be so hard but…
How do you do it?
The Mind Your Body program helps busy women to create healthy habits by unlocking the power of their brain so they can make healthy eating easier.
In 4 weeks you’ll know everything there is know about what’s actually healthy and how to harness the power of your brain to sculpt the body you’ve always wanted or reclaim the one you once had!
Do you ever find yourself….
Looking in the mirror and wanting to cry?
Starting a diet on Monday and being off it it by Tuesday?
Hopping from one diet to the next hoping that it will finally be THE ONE?
Hating your body?
Being jealous of others that have the body that you wish you had?
You’re not alone
98% of women have a negative thought about their body EVERY DAY.
If you really want to be successful at losing weight or making healthy changes easier, it’s time to stop focussing on all the wrong things and instead focus on the ONE thing that will make healthy eating easier.
The ONE thing that will make everything else fall into place with LESS EFFORT.
That thing is create healthy habits so you can achieve lasting results with less struggle.
Many of us are walking around not knowing that YOUR BRAIN HOLDS THE KEY to giving you the body and life that you desire.
It’s your brain that decides whether you’ll get your butt out of bed in the morning to exercise, to give you a stronger fitter body OR to cause you to slap the snooze button and skip your workout.
It’s your brain that tells you that you’ve had enough to eat OR that gives in to that second bowl of Cookie Dough ice cream making you look like a blob and flooding your thoughts with guilt after the third scoop.
And it’s your brain that helps you to cope with stress in your life and relaxes you OR that when left unchecked sends stress signals coursing through your body contributing to jeans that no longer fit and wrinkles on your skin.
Mind Your Body is a 4 week transformative group program to help you to boost your brain to get the body you have always wanted, or to get your old body back!
A brain supportive diet and lifestyle creates a foundation that helps you to create the body and life that you desire:
With four practical, easy-to-implement modules involving nutritious foods, self care and stress management techniques, and positive life changing habits, Culinary Nutritionist Trudy Stone shows you how to:

Eat healthy more consistently
By understanding the most common triggers that cause you to succumb to temptation

How to meal plan
When you’re too busy to eat healthy

Eliminate confusion
By knowing what’s actually healthy

Overcome your sugar addiction
...and tame the sugar dragon lurking inside
Here’s what’s included in
Mind Your Body:
Q+A Video Calls Each Week
Weekly Assignments
Support From Me + Community
Real food pantry + staples guide
Bonus #1: FREE Copy of My Book Unbreakable
Bonus #2: Exclusive access to my client library which includes
cheat sheets to keep you on track!!
Curious about working together?
Check out my packages here!

It wasn’t until I lost 30lbs that I truly started to understand the brain-body connection.
Prioritizing my brain health has made an enormous difference in both my professional and personal life. Understanding this connection has enabled me to become a better healer of myself and others. I have discovered that when I improved my clients brain functions, I also helped to improve their bodies and overall life.
You can’t see the picture when you’re in the frame. A coach who’s come through on the other side, will help you to operate at the level you want to operate at.

Week 1: Starting with a Rock Solid Foundation
If you want a better body, the FIRST place to start is with a healthy brain
What happens when you mess up? How to get yourself back in the groove
Understand and tackle the most common triggers that cause you to succumb to temptation
How to stay motivated and inspired every week of the year to live a truly healthy life
Learn why it’s not your fault that you failed at eating healthy
How to start eating healthy, and make changes that LAST

Week 2: Real Food 101
How to know what’s actually healthy {dairy, grains, sugar, carbs, alcohol etc}
Healthy food substitutes that don’t suck
How to include alcohol and sugar and your other favs without being rigid
Learn about a group of ‘food like products’ which are terrible for brain health, and increase your risk for obesity.
Learn how to decipher all of the confusing nutrition advice that leaves your overwhelmed when you head to the grocery store
Learn how to meal plan to take the stress out of getting healthy meals on the table

Week 3: How to Overcome a Sugar Addiction
Excess sugar causes your brain to become inflamed, meaning it can't work at 100% and impairs your choices at work, in your relationships and when it comes to weight management
How to control your blood sugar and minimize your risk of diabetes and weight gain
Discover 8 natural sweeteners and sugar alternatives
Uncover proven clever strategies that work to help you tame the sugar dragon
The truth about fruit sugar and whether or not it’s really bad for you

Week 4: Rest for Success
Stress plays a big part in your overall health and most importantly your ability to lose weight, avoid disease and live a healthier lifestyle.
Learn how to be more resilient in times of stress, and the effects of stress on your mental health and body
Discover the key nutrients that help your body to resist stress
Learn about the importance of building a self-care habit with tips and activities that will make your mind, body, and spirit a priority
Mind Your Body is the absolute FASTEST way to get BIG results with your health while getting CLARITY and FOCUS!
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