
Has this ever happened to you?

I’ll never forget when this happened…

As I was chatting in the bathroom with my coworker, and as I tried to button my pants, the button flew off…

and rolled right into stall where my coworker was.  

It was the EXACT moment I decided to finally take control of my weight and my muffin top and get off the diet roller coaster which is what I’m gonna teach you today.

Here’s the full story…

Not so long ago, I was where you might be now.

30 pounds overweight, hopeless, frustrated, embarrassed and overwhelmed.

I stayed in this vicious downward spiral of yo yo dieting, feeling embarrassed, depressed, and insecure for many years.

When I did lose the weight, I ALWAYS gained it back and I couldn’t figure out how to eat healthy more consistently.

After diving into research studies and studying experts from the most respected scientific organizations around the world I finally figured it out and lost 30lbs!

It’s been 4 years since I lost the weight and guess what?

I have managed to keep the weight off!

I didn’t know it at the time but the tips and strategies I had developed became lifestyle habits.

Many of the habits I still follow to this day.

Not so long ago, I was where you might be now.30 pounds overweight, hopeless, frustrated, embarrassed and overwhelmed.

I stayed in this vicious downward spiral of yo yo dieting, feeling embarrassed, depressed, and insecure for many years.

When I did lose the weight, I ALWAYS gained it back and I couldn’t figure out how to eat healthy more consistently.

After diving into research studies and studying experts from the most respected scientific organizations around the world I finally figured it out and lost 30lbs!

It’s been 4 years since I lost the weight and guess what? I have managed to keep the weight off!

So what is a habit??

Habits are practices that you engage in on a regular basis.

Habits help us to coast on autopilot through the day eliminating the need to think about each and every little step that you take to put the coffee machine on, put your car in reverse to back out the driveway, make your breakfast and other daily routines.

Bad habits, though, can have a death grip on mind, your behavior and ultimately your health.

They are hard to break, like for example cutting out that 3pm cookie and so easy to resume again, just ask anybody who smokes or has tried to quit smoking and I’m sure they’ll agree.

By understanding how habits are created, you can rebuild those patterns in whichever way you choose.

Habits are well known but little understood.

Everyone is talking about Paleo and other diet fads right?

But what almost no one understands about eating healthier is the concept of habits.

It's not willpower and motivation that help you eat healthier and lose weight,

it's getting to a place where eating healthy is effortless.

And that can happen even if you have the occasional cookie as long as you learn to build healthy habits.

By understanding how habits are created, you can make eating & living healthier effortless and easier.

Why should you care about habits?

Because they make eating AND living healthier easier without you having to think about it as much.

What is the secret to permanently changing your habits?

That’s what Unbreakable is all about.

​Habits are well known but little understood.

Everyone is talking about Paleo and other diet fads right?

But what almost no one understands about eating healthier is the concept of habits.

It's not willpower and motivation that help you eat healthier and lose weight, it's getting to a place where eating healthy is effortless.

And that can happen even if you have the occasional cookie as long as you learn to build healthy habits.

By understanding how habits are created, you can make eating & living healthier effortless and easier.

​Why should you care about habits?
Because they make eating AND living healthier easier without you having to think about it as much.

What Is The Secret To Permanently Changing Your Habits?
That’s what Unbreakable is all about.

Habits help us to coast on autopilot through the day eliminating the need to think about each and every little step that you take to put the coffee machine on, put your car in reverse to back out the driveway, make your breakfast and other daily routines.

Bad habits, though, can have a death grip on mind, your behavior and ultimately your health. They are hard to break, like for example cutting out that 3pm cookie and so easy to resume again, just ask anybody who smokes or has tried to quit smoking and I’m sure they’ll agree.

By understanding how habits are created, you can rebuild those patterns in whichever way you choose.

Why should you care about habits?
Because they make eating AND living healthier easier without you having to think about it as much.

What Is The Secret To Permanently Changing Your Habits?
That’s what Unbreakable is all about.

Habits are well known but little understood. Everyone is talking about Paleo and other diet fads right?
But what almost no one understands about eating healthier is the concept of habits. It's not willpower and motivation that help you eat healthier and lose weight, it's getting to a place where eating healthy is effortless. And that can happen even if you have the occasional cookie as long as you learn to build healthy habits.
Habits help us to coast on autopilot through the day eliminating the need to think about each and every little step that you take to put the coffee machine on, put your car in reverse to back out the driveway, make your breakfast and other daily routines

Unbreakable is a step by step plan that will take you on a journey to transform your eating habits and accelerate your path to a
healthier lifestyle.




Click the Button Below to Get Started!

How I learned The 7 Most Powerful Healthy Habits that I’m Gonna Teach You

​​How I learned The 7 Most Powerful Healthy Habits that I’m Gonna Teach You

​​Since you’ve read this far, I might as well introduce myself!

My name is Trudy Stone, owner of Eat, Live and Play and a certified culinary nutrition expert who helps busy women make healthy living easy and effortless.

After losing 30 lbs I realized that there were 7 key habits that helped me to not only lose the weight but be successful at keeping it off for four years.

I do my absolute best to stay on top of what works and what doesn’t in the areas of nutrition and a healthier lifestyle.

And most of all I’m passionate about creating easy to follow methods that teach my clients how to transform their health with a step by step approach.

I’ve spent the last 18 months designing a solid program of the best ways to get people to permanently change their habits in the easiest way possible.

Since you’ve read this far, I might as well introduce myself. My name is Trudy Stone, owner of Eat, Live and Play and a certified culinary nutrition expert who helps busy women make healthy living easy and effortless.

After losing 30 lbs I realized that there were 7 key habits that helped me to not only lose the weight but be successful at keeping it off for four years.

I do my absolute best to stay on top of what works and what doesn’t in the areas of nutrition and a healthier lifestyle. And most of all I’m passionate about creating easy to follow methods that teach my clients how to transform their health with a step by step approach.

I’ve spent the last 18 months designing a solid program of the best ways to get people to permanently change their habits in the easiest way possible.

In Unbreakable you’ll learn how to start living a healthier lifestyle by building solid habits that will help make eating healthier and managing your weight


Do you have a BAD HABIT that's causing you pain or ruining your health?

What if you could break those bad habits that are keeping you stuck?

AND  what if you could do it without feeling overwhelmed and frustrated or being afraid of failing at it again?

This program can change your life just like it changed mine.

And now you have the opportunity to get the same results for yourself.

Are you struggling with any of these common bad habits?

Are you struggling with any of these common bad habits?
  • frown-o
    Overeating... especially eating when you’re stressed out
  • frown-o
    Neglecting yourself + your health... not taking any time for self care or eating healthy foods
  • frown-o
    Stressed out... by the many demands of life that seem to be taking over
  • frown-o
    Being a workaholic... working long hours and not eating healthy due to lack of time
  • frown-o
    Procrastinating... putting off eating healthier or making meals ahead
  • frown-o
    Negative thinking... putting yourself down and thinking that you’ll never be able to change your bad habits

If you answered "Yes"....to ONE OR MORE of these then you need to get the help and accountability you need to break the HABITS THAT ARE CONTROLLING YOU!

Unbreakable is a holistic approach that helps you learn how to stop relying on willpower to start living a healthier lifestyle by building solid habits that will help you to eat healthier more effortlessly.

You’ll have a roadmap that will help you achieve your healthier lifestyle goals more rapidly than you ever thought possible.

Bad Habits PREVENT you from achieving the HAPPINESS and WEIGHT that you desire most!

They hold you back from living a happier, more fulfilled life.

Just THINK of all the times you've said...

     "I mean it, I’ll start eating healthy on Monday and will definitely stick to it this time”

How did that work out for you?

You're not alone.

By understanding how habits are created, you can rebuild those patterns in whichever way you choose and be in COMPLETE CONTROL.

When people try to break bad habits without having a solid plan, they get so stressed out about breaking that habit and the comfort that comes along with it that they cling to it EVEN MORE and repeat the pattern.

Breaking bad habits requires you to have a plan and change the way you think before you can put it into action and see results.

...the GOOD NEWS is YOU CAN change ALL OF THIS...

This Is NOT Just Another Diet And Exercise Program

We both know that there are more than enough diet and exercise programs out there.

This is NOT one of them! Not even close…

Instead this program will teach you the
7 most powerful proven habits you can form if you want to permanently change your body and life.

Actually only 2 of the 7 habits have anything to do with diet and exercise.

The other 5 are little known “lifestyle hacks” that can boost fat loss, increase your energy and have you looking your best!

Do you have a BAD HABIT that's causing you pain or ruining your health?

What if you could break those bad habits that are keeping you stuck?

AND what if you could do it without feeling overwhelmed and frustrated -  afraid of failing at it again?

This program can change your life just like it changed mine.

And now you have the opportunity to get the same results for yourself.

Are you struggling with any of these common bad habits?

* Overeating...especially eating when you’re stressed out

* Neglecting yourself + your health...not taking any time for self care or eating healthy foods

* Stressed out...by the many demands of life that seem to be taking over

* Being a workaholic...working long hours and not eating healthy due to lack of time

* Procrastinating...putting off eating healthier or making meals ahead

* Negative thinking...putting yourself down and thinking that you’ll never be able to change your bad habits

If you answered "Yes"....to ONE OR MORE of these then you need to get the help and accountability you need to break the HABITS THAT ARE CONTROLLING YOU!

Unbreakable is a holistic approach that helps you learn how to stop relying on willpower to start living a healthier lifestyle by building solid habits that will help you to eat healthier more effortlessly.

You’ll have a roadmap that will help you achieve your healthier lifestyle goals more rapidly than you ever thought possible.

Bad Habits PREVENT You from achieving the HAPPINESS and WEIGHT that you desire most!

They hold you back from living a happier, more fulfilled life.

Just THINK of all the times you've said...

     "I mean it, I’ll start eating healthy on Monday and will definitely stick to it this time”

How did that work out for you?

You're not alone.

By understanding how habits are created, you can rebuild those patterns in whichever way you choose and be in COMPLETE CONTROL.

The reality is most people try to break habits backwards; they try to physically change their behaviors before they've changed their mental ones.

When people try to break bad habits without having a solid plan, they get so stressed out about breaking that habit and the comfort that comes along with it that they cling to it EVEN MORE and repeat the pattern.

Breaking bad habits requires you to have a plan and change the way you think before you can put it into action and see results

...the GOOD NEWS is YOU CAN change ALL OF THIS...”

Unbreakable is a step by step plan that will help you to eat healthier, sleep better, manage your weight, increase your energy and more.

This Is NOT Just Another Diet And Exercise Program

We both know that there are more than enough diet and exercise programs out there.

This is NOT one of them! Not even close…

Instead this program will teach you the 7 most powerful proven habits you can form if you want to permanently change your body and life.

Actually only 2 of the 7 habits have anything to do with diet and exercise.

The other 5 are little known “lifestyle hacks” that can boost fat loss, increase your energy and have you looking your best!

Unbreakable is a step by step plan that will help you to eat halthier, sleep better, manage your weight increase your energy and more!

Unbreakable is a step by step plan that will help you to eat halthier, sleep better, manage your weight increase your energy and more! ​


  • heart
    ​How to know what’s actually healthy
    How to know what’s actually healthy
  • heart
    ​How to have more confidence with your food choices
    How to have more confidence with your food choices
  • heart
    ​Nature’s magic foods that will help you lose weight and increase your energy
    Nature’s magic foods that will help you lose weight and increase your energy
  • heart
    ​How to eat healthy without ever feeling deprived
    How to eat healthy without ever feeling deprived
  • heart
    ​How to make changes that actually stick
    How to make changes that actually stick
  • heart
    ​How to tame the sugar dragon lurking inside
    How to tame the sugar dragon lurking inside
  • heart
    ​How to bob and weave through any eating situation with confidence and ease [yes, even holiday treats!!!]
    How to bob and weave through any eating situation with confidence and ease [yes, even holiday treats]
  • heart
    ​How to increase the quality of your sleep
    How to increase the quality of your sleep
  • heart
    ​How to manage emotional eating and find healthy outlets for stress
    How to manage emotional eating and find healthy outlets for stress
  • heart
    ​How to build a self-care plan so that you’re not constantly exhausted
    How to build a self-care plan so that you’re not constantly exhausted
Plus these special bonuses


  • heart
    ​​How to create healthier cocktails
    How to create healthier cocktails

    How to make smoothies the right way

    Support from a certified Culinary Nutrition Expert

    A safe and supportive place to ask all of your burning questions with other people in a helpful community

    There will only be a few of us therefore, this will be a much more intimate and engaged Facebook Group, one that creates an unforgettably supportive learning environment
    Motivation to keep you going on those days when you ‘can’t even’
    Accountability to help you stick to your goals and get there faster

    How to know what’s actually healthy
  • heart
    ​​How to make smoothies the right way
    How to make smoothies the right way
    How to have more confidence with your food choices
  • heart
    ​Support from a certified Culinary Nutrition Expert
    Support from a certified Culinary Nutrition Expert
    Nature’s magic foods that will help you lose weight and increase your energy
  • heart
    ​A safe and supportive place to ask all of your burning questions with other people in a helpful community
    There will only be a few of us therefore, this will be a much more intimate and engaged Facebook Group, one that creates an unforgettably supportive learning environment
    Motivation to keep you going on those days when you ‘can’t even’
    Accountability to help you stick to your goals and get there faster
    How to eat healthy without ever feeling deprived
  • heart
    ​Motivation to keep you going on those days when you ‘can’t even’
    Motivation to keep you going on those days when you ‘can’t even’
    Accountability to help you stick to your goals and get there faster
  • heart
    ​Accountability to help you stick to your goals and get there faster
    ccountability to help you stick to your goals and get there faster
Plus these special bonuses

Everything is taught in a way that’s easy to understand and digestible.

Be prepared for real-talk delivered in an entertaining way.

Kinda like having coffee with the gals.

It’s everything you need to know to start living a
healthier lifestyle.

I’ve studied the world’s greatest minds in the areas of healthy eating, weight loss, sleep, exercise, and self care.

I’ve done all the work so that you don’t have to.

Unbreakable is a holistic roadmap that will help you achieve
your healthier lifestyle goals more easily and more rapidly than you ever thought possible.





Click the Button Below to Get Started!

​​​This price goes away on October 8, 2017 or

whenever the program is full. ​

When the re-engineered program reopens in 2018

the price will start at $497.

As a beta tester your input is important as this will help to shape the content of this program.

Don’t worry it’s nothing deep, you’ll basically just be asked how you like the program and

what can be improved.

​​​​​We kick things off on October 9th 2017!!!

Everything will be emailed to you on that date.

*Don’t take too long to think about it, space is limited since this is a

beta test program.

​​We kick things off on October 9th 2017!

Everything will be emailed to you on that date.

*Don’t take too long to think about it, space is limited since this is a

beta test program.

This price goes away on October 8, 2017 or whenever the program is full. We will reopen the totally reengineered program in 2018 but the price will be substantially higher. When the re-engineered program reopens in 2018 the price will start at $497.

We kick things off on October 9th 2017! Everything will be emailed to you on that date.

*Don’t take too long to think about it, space is limited since this is a beta test program.



Click the Button Below to Get Started!

© {2017} Eat, Live, & Play All rights reserved