


Your Diet Personality Breakdown

Do you frequently turn to food to manage your emotions? Then your dieting personality is an ‘elephant’.

As animals, elephants are highly emotional creatures. When a beloved member of an elephant troop dies, those left behind will mourn the lost individual by “burying” the body with leaves and grass, and keeping vigil over the body for a week. Just like humans, elephants display complex personalities. 

Sometimes it seems like elephants can’t get enough food. No matter how much they’ve had. They can eat up to 600 pounds a day! Overeating can often be a product of your emotions. Whether happy, sad, stressed or anxious you tend to use food to comfort or celebrate.

“Elephant” types also tend to live in the past, spending a lot of time remembering and thinking about the past. Whether ruminating on painful memories or current challenges, either could be setting you up for diet failure. You might go into every new attempt thinking: “Here we are again. I’ve tried this dieting thing before and it didn’t work so I’ll probably fail again”

Your Diet Personality Strategy

Since ‘elephant’ types tend to be a bit more impulsive when it comes to eating, reaching for a sweet treat without a second thought, you have the type of personality that benefits from keeping trigger foods out of the house (or desk, when you’re at work).

When you’re feeling emotional and ready to take solace in food, it helps to hit pause before reaching for that snack. Check in with your hunger and know your reasons for eating.

‘Elephant’ types don’t do well with super strict diets that cut out whole food groups or favorite foods. That can just increase cravings. Emotional eaters may want to consider something like the Mediterranean diet, which isn’t so much a diet as a lifestyle—a way of eating that offers you nutritious foods without deprivation.

Wait a minute....
wondering who's behind these diet personality strategies??

Not too long ago I was right where you may be as you’re reading this. I was overweight, and overwhelmed.

In the past, I always lost a couple of pounds here and there for a special occasion. After getting engaged I promised myself that THIS time was going to be different.  I decided that I was no longer going to cut corners. I owed it to myself to lose the weight in a healthy way and to finally

I later discovered that the key was shifting my mindset so that I could build healthier habits to achieve permanent weight loss.

Creating healthy habits allowed me to lose
30 lbs which I kept off for six years

After self hacking my mind and body to lose weight my mission is to help you to get your mind right so that your body will follow!

Sound good?

I got you boo!

My knowledge, expertise, and my story have completely changed my life.

I’m now a sought after media expert appearing on TV and in print, I’m a speaker where I share my weight loss strategies and I’m also a brain health expert for Clean Eating magazine one of the leading health publications in North America. 

I also do corporate workshops, 1:1 nutritional consulting and more!

Most recently I’m the host of  my new podcast – the Mind Your Body Show. Each week I share tips on how to get your mind right so that your body will follow.  

You can check it out and subscribe by clicking here.

As seen in:

Curated Resources Just for You!

Want more weight loss tips to help you to meet your goal weight?

I found these articles and podcast episodes JUST for you, Elephant!  💛