


Your Diet Personality Breakdown

Cheetahs are the fastest land animal on earth which is why as a cheetah you have the type of personality that veers toward the quick fad diet that will get you results as fast as possible – no matter what the method to get there.

The quick-fix mentality is that you have to get there really quickly for it to be successful.  Since you’re trying to lose a lot of weight in a hurry, you do everything perfectly, and everything is structured, which often leads to diet sabotage, an unhealthy relationship with food, and a metabolism that has likely slowed down due to the constant yo yo dieting.

Keto, Paleo, Atkins, detoxes, slimming teas, apple cider vinegar you’ve probably tried then all and are more likely to be a lifelong dieter. You may have seen some initial success with the latest fad diet but you haven’t been successful with keeping the weight off.

Yes, these methods that promise fast results are tempting, unfortunately, many of these are overly restrictive making them ineffective in the long term, which leaves you feeling like a dieting failure and like you will never be successful at losing and keeping the weight off.

As a ‘cheetah’ you’ve likely followed some type of fad diet where you ate only one type of food or avoided whole food groups all together.

Your Diet Personality Strategy

‘Cheetahs’ may want to consider intuitive eating so that they can learn to make food choices without guilt and enjoy the pleasure of eating.

Additionally you may benefit from cultivating an intuitive framework for self-trust and eating without extremes along with accountability and support from a health coach to keep them on track with their goals.

If you’re the type of person who jumps from Paleo to keto, depending on what seems to promise better weight-loss results then you may want to consider shifting your focus so that you can re-establish a healthier relationship to food. Try to focus on the nutrient value of foods instead of counting macros or eliminating entire food groups {unless you have a specific health condition that warrants it}.

By telling yourself you “can’t” or “shouldn’t” eat a particular item, you can fall into a deprivation-craving-binging cycle, followed by guilt. This cycle will keep you on the weight loss hamster wheel for years to come because you haven’t learned how to lose weight and make it sustainable.

Going from one fad diet to the next turns eating into something that’s only about weight loss—as opposed to eating for fuel and pleasure. 

‘Cheetahs’ may want to consider something like the Mediterranean diet, which isn’t so much a diet as a lifestyle—a way of eating that offers you nutritious foods without deprivation.

Wait a minute....
wondering who's behind these diet personality strategies??

Not too long ago I was right where you may be as you’re reading this. I was overweight, and overwhelmed.

In the past, I always lost a couple of pounds here and there for a special occasion. After getting engaged I promised myself that THIS time was going to be different.  I decided that I was no longer going to cut corners. I owed it to myself to lose the weight in a healthy way and to finally

I later discovered that the key was shifting my mindset so that I could build healthier habits to achieve permanent weight loss.

Creating healthy habits allowed me to lose
30 lbs which I kept off for six years

After self hacking my mind and body to lose weight my mission is to help you to get your mind right so that your body will follow!

Sound good?

I got you boo!

My knowledge, expertise, and my story have completely changed my life.

I’m now a sought after media expert appearing on TV and in print, I’m a speaker where I share my weight loss strategies and I’m also a brain health expert for Clean Eating magazine one of the leading health publications in North America. 

I also do corporate workshops, 1:1 nutritional consulting and more!

Most recently I’m the host of  my new podcast – the Mind Your Body Show. Each week I share tips on how to get your mind right so that your body will follow.  

You can check it out and subscribe by clicking here.

As seen in:

Curated Resources Just for You!

Want more weight loss tips to help you to meet your goal weight?

I found these articles and podcast episodes JUST for you, Cheetah!  💛