


Your Diet Personality Breakdown

Do you hate being told what to eat and when? Has weight loss been on your mind for a while, but you find yourself putting convenience first because of your busy lifestyle?

Then your dieting type is a “Lion”.

As animals, lions are the leaders of the animal kingdom and female lions in particular are the busy working mothers of the animal kingdom. These big, sexy cats not only hunt and bring dinner to the table and nurture their own cubs, they often care for the cubs of other lionesses, too.  

As the leaders of the kingdom they run ‘tings so they don’t like being told what to do and when to do it.  

Sound familiar? As a ‘lion’ type you most likely don’t like being told what to eat and when because of your busy schedule. 

As someone who doesn’t like being told what to eat and when, prepackaged, structured diet plans are generally not flexible enough for ‘Lions’.  A mindful eating approach may be more appealing to “lions” since there are no “off limits” foods, including sugar, and no shame around eating it.

Your Diet Personality Strategy

As a ‘lion’ type whose nature is to ‘hunt and gather’ you’d be better off learning diet tips that will give you the know-how to make healthier choices, especially when eating out and when eating out, commit to always bringing half the plate home. 

Due to your busy schedule ‘lions’ dread grocery shopping, and if you ever do get around to it, feel guilty about the amount of unused food you end up throwing away because you abandoned your plan to make all those healthy meals you pinned to your Pinterest board.

To make those busy weeknights more manageable and to ease the food guilt, ‘lions’ may benefit from creating a capsule pantry. Like a capsule wardrobe, a capsule pantry is made of up a limited number of versatile ingredients that you love to eat, and that can be combined into a variety of easy, delicious meals.

Wait a minute....
wondering who's behind these diet personality strategies??

Not too long ago I was right where you may be as you’re reading this. I was overweight, and overwhelmed.

In the past, I always lost a couple of pounds here and there for a special occasion. After getting engaged I promised myself that THIS time was going to be different.  I decided that I was no longer going to cut corners. I owed it to myself to lose the weight in a healthy way and to finally

I later discovered that the key was shifting my mindset so that I could build healthier habits to achieve permanent weight loss.

Creating healthy habits allowed me to lose
30 lbs which I kept off for six years

After self hacking my mind and body to lose weight my mission is to help you to get your mind right so that your body will follow!

Sound good?

I got you boo!

My knowledge, expertise, and my story have completely changed my life.

I’m now a sought after media expert appearing on TV and in print, I’m a speaker where I share my weight loss strategies and I’m also a brain health expert for Clean Eating magazine one of the leading health publications in North America. 

I also do corporate workshops, 1:1 nutritional consulting and more!

Most recently I’m the host of  my new podcast – the Mind Your Body Show. Each week I share tips on how to get your mind right so that your body will follow.  

You can check it out and subscribe by clicking here.

As seen in:

Curated Resources Just for You!

Want more weight loss tips to help you to meet your goal weight?

I found these articles and podcast episodes JUST for you, Lion!  💛