EP 29: Self Care During a Pandemic

Welcome to the Mind Your Body Show this is culinary nutritionist and Mind Body Coach Trudy Stone and I’m so grateful for you tuning into today.
You’ve likely been stressed out, overwhelmed, distracted, and feeling like life is uncertain these days of pandemic and current events. It’s time to give yourself permission to slow down for some gentle self-care. In this week’s episode you’re going to be nourishing your mind, body, and soul.
Yes, I know you have a lot on your plate, many balls to juggle and don’t have enough time to think about this self-care stuff. Well if that’s what you’ve been thinking I want you – yes you to listen up and here’s why.
Self-care is about tuning into your mind and body and taking the time to support yourself. It’s about listening to your body when you feel drained and exhausted and loving yourself and your body just as you are. We now live in a society where there are so many demands on our time. Being in a constant state of stress without taking time out for some play and self-care puts you at an increased risk of disease.
So today, you’ll learn about the importance of self-care and I’ll be sharing 5 self care tips and activities that will make your mind, body, and spirit a priority.
The first question I want you to ask yourself is….how do I want to feel?
Here’s a look at what we’ll discuss in this episode:
- [3:30] If you have an unhealthy relationship with food during the pandemic, likely, you don’t know how awesome your body feels when you nourish it with the right food.
- [4:15] Why not base your food choices on how you want to feel?
- [4:34] Foods loaded with sugar often make you feel bloated, heavy, or sluggish.
- [8:04] Food has energy. It passes it to you whether good or bad.
- [10:57] Be easy on yourself. In time your body will start to crave those foods less which makes you feel good at the moment but make you feel yucky and guilty later.
- [15:14] When you continue to feed your mind with negative messages, your brain starts to adapt to the messages you’re feeding it.
- [15:38] To change your body, you need to change your narrative.
- [15:54] Shift yourself from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.
- [17:45] Take multiple opportunities throughout the day to repeat your positive affirmations to yourself.
- [18:52] The most successful, grounded people on this planet have a specific morning routine that they follow every day.
- [19:18] Positive affirmations should be part of your morning routine to get your mind working for you each day.
- [19:47] Meditation is a self-care practice that nourishes you at the deepest level. It’s the time where you tune everything and everyone else out and reflect on your own mental and spiritual well-being.
- [20:47] Many of us are not taking that time to go inward, not taking time to have that stillness in our day.
- [21:45] Don’t knock it until you try it.
- [22:01] Exercise can have positive effects on both your mental and physical health.
- [22:34] Exercise is just as effective as anti-depressant pills in treating depression.
- [24:25] Just start. Just start to get some movement into your life.
- [25:13] If you don’t schedule it, it doesn’t happen.
Links mentioned in this episode:- Join the Shed & Shred bootcamp
- Read more about healthy habits from my book! Buy it here.
- Follow Trudy on Instagram!
- Follow Trudy on Facebook!
- SUBMIT A QUESTION for a chance to have your question answered on the show!
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