EP 34: 6 Mistakes that are Making Your Stress Worse

We’re all facing a certain amount of uncertainty and stress in our lives right now, but the truth is that no matter what’s going on in the world, what has the greatest impact on your stress levels is the smaller choices we make every day.
In this episode, I share six mistakes that you may secretly be making that are making your stress worse —and how to tweak them to develop better habits for your mental well-being.
Here’s a look at what we’ll discuss in this episode:
- [2:40] Each of these small choices can affect your mood more than we realize.
- [2:57] You’re drinking liquid stress.
- [4:53] You don’t need to feel completely deprived if you are cutting back on alcohol.
- [6:39] You’ll uncover how to de-stress your diet with nutrition-based tools to feel better faster, how to improve your sleep when stressful thoughts keep you up at night, and how to nourish your body to release stress.
- [7:20] You’re spending too much time on social media.
- [7:52] College students who limited their time on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat to just 10 minutes a day reported significant decreases in depression and loneliness compared to those who didn’t.
- [8:50] Take a look at your screen time to see when you’re spending the most time on your phone.
- [9:03] You’re eating the wrong foods or turning to foods for comfort.
- [11:05] You’re not moving enough.
- [11:21] Being sedentary and not getting enough movement lowers feel-good brain hormones such as serotonin, causing you to feel angry and irritable.
- [12:23] You’re not giving yourself enough love.
- [12:55] When we have no time to reflect and recover mentally, we become irritable.
- [13:20] Those positive vibes will transcend to other areas of your life.
- [14:40 ] When you talk negatively to yourself, you’re changing your body chemistry.
- [15:40] Rewire your brain to cope with stress and use stress as your superpower.
Links mentioned in this episode:- Join the Shed & Shred bootcamp
- Read more about healthy habits from my book! Buy it here.
- Follow Trudy on Instagram!
- Follow Trudy on Facebook!
- SUBMIT A QUESTION for a chance to have your question answered on the show!
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