EP 38: How to Make Lasting Changes to Your Health:
Best of 2020

It’s been quite a year for us, and our health took the front seat this time. I hope you had time to reflect and assess your habits, your diet, and your lifestyle.
I’m grateful for all the love and support you’ve shown, so we’ve come up with a special treat for the final episode featuring the best clips that will help you make lasting changes to your health.
You’re going to hear from Kim Niles, fitness expert and coach, who worked in the fitness industry for over 15 years; Dr. Ian Smith, a best-selling author and TV host of “The Doctors” who talked about the benefits of intermittent fasting; Danny Stone, personal development coach, speaker, podcast host who talked about why you’re stressed at work; LA Wade – host of Cocktales with LA for a refresher on meal planning tips, and from yours truly for some tips from most downloaded solo episodes.
Here’s a look at what we’ll discuss in this episode:
- [4:23] If you don’t change how you eat, your lifestyle, your environment, and your friends who you hang out with that keep you the way you are, nothing’s going to change.
- [6:39] It’s an investment to learn, about your body, to get your body assessed. Everybody’s body is experiencing different things.
- [9:30] Everything is being done because of what the external eyes can see. You’re only masking for the untrained eye.
- [10:57] What is it that’s holding people back from pursuing something they’re passionate about. They don’t think they can turn their passion into a job or make money.
- [11:10] When I ask people, do you love what you do? People often say: It pays the bills.
- [17:12] You have to be clear on your Why. It was one of the key reasons for me losing weight as well. It was having a strong Why.
- [20:22] Learn to recognize the difference between emotional hunger and true hunger.
- [21:09] With emotional eating, you’re likely to keep eating even if you’re full. When you satisfy physical hunger, you’re likely to stop eating when you’re full.
- [22:59] Hunger is like your oil light. When you’re low on oil, your oil light comes on. No matter how many times you turn your car on or off, the oil light is going to come back on until you give it oil.
- [23:14] Cravings are like your Bluetooth. When you get into your car, and the dashboard says, do you want to connect your Bluetooth? If you don’t do anything at all, eventually, that prompt is going to go away.
- [25:09] The reason why intermittent fasting works, one of the reasons is because it’s simple energy management.
- [25:50] Intermittent fasting causes fat burning.
- [28:08] Your thoughts are part of your illness, your inability to lose weight, and your wellness.
- [29:16 ] That bad, guilty feeling makes you eat even more food.
- [30:02] Your beliefs are changeable. You have the power to change them.
Links mentioned in this episode:- Join the Shed & Shred bootcamp
- Read more about healthy habits from my book! Buy it here.
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