EP 39: 5 Keys to a Successful Weight Loss Plan

I know that many of us are glad that 2020 is over and see 2021 as a fresh new beginning. One of those new beginnings for most people is a new diet.
If you’re starting a new healthy eating plan to lose weight, you need to listen to this first.
There are 4 keys to a successful weight loss plan that I’m going to be sharing with you today. You’ll be happy to know that none of them require weighing your food or counting macros!
Here’s a look at what we’ll discuss in this episode:
- [0:00] Most of us struggle with weight loss because of our mental chatter. Now we all have beliefs about ourselves, whether we know it or not. And we’re making choices each and every day based on those beliefs. Your mindset can either gives you the momentum and the motivation you need or it can be your worst critic that sabotages your success.
- [5:11] If you have trouble with how to get motivated, or how to be motivated, it could have nothing to do with your drive. Instead, it could actually be that you have the wrong goal, or not emotionally connected to your goal, or you haven’t defined your goal well enough.
- [7:45] If you struggle with motivation, it’s likely that you’re experiencing some inner blocks that prevent you from the clarity you need to get motivated.
- [10:48] We get so caught up in these quick results, not realizing that the process routines and habits towards achieving these goals are more important.
- [12:09] Most people obsess over breaking bad habits, when the focus should be on replacing bad habits. Dream big, but start small, small things done consistently, every day over time will eventually develop into habits that will help you to achieve your goal.
- [13:34] The Mediterranean diet was also voted the best overall diet in 2019, as well as 2020.
- [14:12] The brain also determines why how and where body fat is stored. Your brain also drives your metabolism, your hunger, your food choices, your motivation to exercise or not, and hormone production. So it really is important to nourish your brain and your body so that it’s easier for you to lose weight.
- ]15:00] Many people believe that they could improve their lives, if only they had more of that magical power known as willpower.
- [17:05] There are a couple of things you can do to start to change your behaviour around food so that you no longer struggle with willpower.
- [21:10] Finding someone to keep you accountable is also helpful for feedback and reinforcement.
- [22:23] So if you’ve been frustrated with trying to make healthy changes, or lose weight to no avail for months, and maybe because your weight loss plan isn’t sustainable.
- [22:48] Chronic yo yo dieting you know to fit into a dress for a special occasion or bikini for a vacation that completely burns your metabolism out.
- [25:00] If you happen to be listening to this episode when it gets released on January 4, I definitely want to make sure that you don’t miss out on this opportunity to save money and to shed and shred your old beliefs and shred that weight with my Shed and Shred Program.
Links mentioned in this episode:- Join the Shed & Shred bootcamp
- Read more about healthy habits from my book! Buy it here.
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