EP 40: Combating Sugar Addiction & Eating Less Sweets

The average American consumes over 150 lbs of sugar per year.
Canadians consume 88 lbs.
Scary when you consider that high blood sugar is one of the biggest risk factors for depression.
In fact studies show that countries with the highest intake of sugar also have the highest rates of depression. On today’s episode we’re talking alll about sugar. What it does to your brain and your body and how you can minimize your intake of sugar for a healthier lifestyle.
- [1:53] High sugar intake is linked to obesity, metabolic syndrome, type two diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, fatty liver disease, cancer, and most importantly, inflammation.
- [6:52] Alzheimer’s is now being called type three diabetes by experts, because it’s been linked to a high sugar diet.
- [8:26] It might not be your fault that you’re hooked on these foods. And here’s why.
- [9:49] In addition to the effects of sugar on the brain, it has wide reaching effects on the rest of your body.
- [9:55] When your insulin spikes it makes you crave even more simple carbs, which spike your blood sugar and more sugary treats. So this hazard cycle contributes to obesity, waking heart disease, cancer, lack of energy, and a lowered immune system. It’s a devastating, never ending cycle.
- [11:12] Sugar is an important source of energy. In order to maintain your energy levels, you need to keep your blood sugar levels stable.
- [11:33] Many people also turn to sugary treats to give their energy a boost, but it’s only a bandaid solution that takes your energy levels and makes it worse.
- [13:25] Learn how you can burn belly fat and make it easier with my free guide – seven ways to melt your muffin top fast backed by science, you can find it over at trudyestone.com
- [13:42] Sugar sources that you think are healthy, but they’re not.
- [14:54] Sugar sweetened beverages are a major problem for most people and if it is for you as well I want to encourage you to start here.
- [17:32] High fructose corn syrup is a nasty life sucker that’s found in processed foods and sodas. It’s harmful because our bodies converted into fat very rapidly, which leaves us with muffin tops and jiggly arms.
- [18:00] Many people think that dried fruits are automatically good for you because hey, it’s fruit, right. But most of the time, they have added sugar as well.
- [19:58] Fruit and if eating fruit bad is for you
- [20:56] How you can tame that sugar dragon lurking inside.
- [24:54] Many people are deficient in fibre, which is probably one of the reasons why you have these intense sugar cravings.
- [26:11] Belly Fat is a common struggle for people looking to lose weight, and it can also be harmful to your health.
- [27:21] Alternative sugars that you can try right now.
- [33:54] Insulin is the hormone that’s made in your pancreas and its role is to help your body to shuffle around sugars from your food into your cells.
- [36:40] There’s another crucial overlooked thing you can do to help you to manage your sugar intake.
- [38:24] If you’re struggling with sugar addiction, and things like that, look to other parts of your life that you can kind of optimise to reduce the burden that you place on your willpower
- [38:47] Setting up your environment for success and make sure that your environment is in line with your healthy eating habits.
Links mentioned in this episode:- Join the Shed & Shred bootcamp
- Read more about healthy habits from my book! Buy it here.
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