EP 70: Who Do You Need to Become to Get Unstuck?

A new year always brings new opportunities for growth in so many areas of your life.
Chances are you know that you need to make changes in your life but you’re not sure where to start, are fearful because you’ve tried and failed before or just aren’t willing to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.
Some of the things that you desire may be already happening for you but you don’t even realize it because you’re so focussed on what’s not working for you or you’re so tied to a specific outcome. In this episode you’ll learn how you can grow and level up this year, who you need to become to get unstuck and how to achieve what you desire in life.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Join the Shed & Shred bootcamp
- Read more about healthy habits from my book! Buy it here.
- Follow Trudy on Instagram!
- Follow Trudy on Facebook!
- SUBMIT A QUESTION for a chance to have your question answered on the show!
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The start of the new year always brings so many possibilities. We have the best intentions and want to do all the things to lose weight or eat healthier.
Today instead of talking about resolutions, which most people break everyday, we’re going to talk about how to set set intentions so that you can feel your very best this year and make it easier to do so.