Their golden sunset hue, unmistakable sweet, aromatic scent. Yes, this is the true pinnacle of summer for me – peach season.
If you’re looking for a little something different to celebrate the fruits of the season, look no further than these Peach and Toasted Coconut Breakfast Bars.
Last week on my trip to the grocery store, I pretty much squealed with delight as I spotted peaches which signaled the high point of summer.
Good grief, the honeyed smell which tickles your nose before you take a bite…
The way those juices just run down your arm when you bite into them…
Their ripe, juicy flavours just bursting in your mouth…
Dare I say that peaches and the whole act of devouring them are a bit of an erotic experience for me?
Wait, I think I kinda just did…
The hubster finds my…aheam…obsession ’appreciation’ of peaches quite amusing and alarming that I could feel this way about something other than him, but hey, what can I say about my peach fetish…
Well a lot really but I’m trying to keep this PG 🙂
Peaches offer many benefits other than just their superb taste.
They make a great food for weight loss since they’re low in calories and high in fibre. This fibre in peaches will help to make you feel full making them an excellent snack between meals.
They are also rich in phytochemicals called phenols which act as antioxidants protecting you against obesity and cardiovascular disease.
If you’re feeling a bit stressed or anxious, I mean, really who isn’t these days, peaches contain nutrients which will help to make you feel calm.
Here’s a few tips on how to buy them and what to look for:
- The reason why I get so ga ga over peaches is because this is really the only time of year I buy them. They’re on the Dirty Dozen list which means it’s best to buy local and organic if possible to ensure you’re getting the healthiest fruit
- These gems are gentle creatures, since they bruise easily so try not to squeeze too much when checking for ripeness. You’re looking for middle of the road between rock hard and mushy
- Keep them on the counter at room temperature to ripen them, the sweet smell usually gives it away when they’re ripe
- Once they are ripe, immediately store peaches in the crisper bin of your fridge. I find that they’re good for up to five days
- If you’re like me and find it hard to wait to devour them, you can speed up the ripening by placing them in a paper bag.
- They’re kind of similar to wine in the sense that you don’t want to eat them when they’re too cold. Make sure to bring them to room temperature so you can fully enjoy the flavours.
These breakfast bars are pretty easy to throw together. The most labour intensive part (which isn’t nearly as bad as it sounds) will be thinly slicing the peaches but other than that easy peasy.
They aren’t too sweet so I’ve chowed down on these for breakfast or dessert. Actually if you were to make extra of the crust you could crumble it up and use it for granola.
You could skip the toasted coconut but really they add such a nice tropical vibe to the the topping. I received a sample of Grace’s new coconut chips which made a perfect addition to the topping (they did not sponsor this post in any way, I just really like the product! They really nailed the toasted coconut flavour)
Here’s a few fun peach facts for you:
- The peach tree is often considered to be the tree of life
- China is the biggest producer of peaches and Italy is the second
- In China, this fruit is a symbol of good luck, protection and longevity
If you’re looking for additional ways to add peaches to your diet, check out this Peaches n’ Green smoothie for a great dose of fiber and greens to start your day.
If you make these bars I’d love to hear how they turned out and if you made any tweaks to the recipe. Please come back and leave a comment below or snap a pic and hit me up on Instagram @eatliveandplay or Facebook @trudyestone.
With that friends I leave you with this….
“Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring, and because it has fresh peaches in it.” ― Alice Walker
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Peach & Toasted Coconut Breakfast Bars
- 1 ¾ cup rolled oats gluten-free is best
- 1 ½ cup rolled oats whole (gluten-free is best)
- ¾ teaspoon cinnamon
- ½ teaspoon cardamom
- ¼ teaspoon sea salt
- ½ cup coconut oil
- 1/3 cup 100% maple syrup
- 5 – 6 peaches thinly sliced
- ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
- ½ cup almonds
- ¼ cup rolled oats whole (gluten-free is best)
- ¼ teaspoon sea salt
- 2 tablespoons toasted coconut optional but recommended
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon 100% maple syrup
- Preheat the oven to 375ºF. Line a baking dish (8×8-inch) with parchment paper.
- In a food processor or blender, blend 1 ¾ cups rolls oats into flour.
- In a medium bowl, combine oat flour with rolled oats, cinnamon, cardamom, and sea salt. Stir to combine. Add coconut oil and maple syrup, and stir to combine. Press mixture in an even layer into base of the prepared pan. In a medium bowl toss peaches with cinnamon and lemon juice. Add sliced peaches (you can overlap slightly).
- To make the topping, add almonds and oats to food processor or blender, blending until well combined with a few pea size clumps. Place mixture in medium bowl and add salt, toasted coconut, coconut oil, and maple syrup. Mix using a spoon or your hands until mixture is a crumbly texture with a few clumps. Crumble on top of peaches.
- Bake for 25 minutes, until golden brown.