Ontario peaches have to be THE most ridiculously delicious peaches on this planet. In fact, August is my favourite month of the year thanks to my fuzzy little friends.
Now don’t get me wrong I’m not knocking other countries however there is just something truly magical about my local peaches from the beautiful province of Ontario.
Each summer I Iook forward to my massive first bite and eagerly anticipate the sweet juices running down from my hand to my elbow.
Oh. My. Gawwwwd.
I usually have to close my eyes in that moment and just let it all sink in because it’s just. that. gooooood.
Okay so enough with the peach porn, onto the smoothie!
Lately I’ve gotten back into my routine of eating fresh veggies and fruit. Shout to all of the farmer’s markets who have allowed this healthy relationship with local produce to flourish.
I’ve also challenged myself to curb food waste. I have been guilty, as I’m sure most of us are of buying oodles of produce only to let it wilt away sadly in the so called ‘crisper’. Which never keeps my veggies crisp anyways but that’s a different story….
So, with this smoothie rather than running out to grab ingredients to add to it, I decided to use what I already had in house. Greek yogurt, spinach, grapes, avocado, banana, and of course PEACHES!!
This is seriously a nutrient packed smoothie.
For example spinach has nearly 20% of the recommended daily allowance of dietary fiber. It also contains manganese, folate, vitamins A, C, E & K, zinc and calcium – and that’s just one ingredient.
Our leading lady, peach does wonders for your skin. It contains vitamin C, which has been known to improve skin texture and fight damage caused to the skin by all those long lazy days in the sun. Vitamin C also assists in the formation of collagen which is the support system of your skin. Who needs botox?
Fiber and potassium in peaches support a strong and healthy heart, AND keeps you..ahem..regular, which assists in flushing toxins from your beautiful bod.
Peaches can help you achieve a slimmer waist line. One peach contains approximately 68 calories and NO fat!
Want to improve your vision? Peaches are a rich source of beta carotene which helps to increase circulation of blood in your body, thereby improving your vision.
Well ‘aint that peachy?
I think we’re all aware of the benefits of avocados so here’s a quick roundup found in a *single 3.5 ounce (100 gram) serving:
Vitamin K: 26% of the RDA
Folate: 20% of the RDA
Vitamin C: 17% of the RDA
Potassium: 14% of the RDA
Vitamin B5: 14% of the RDA
Vitamin B6: 13% of the RDA
Vitamin E: 10% of the RDA
My fav and probably least recognized benefit to eating avocados is that it aids in absorption of other plant foods. A study in the **Journal of Nutrition showed that adding avocado or avocado oil to either salad or salsa can increase antioxidant absorption by 2.6 to 15-fold!
This is huge because not only is already highly nutritious it can increase the nutrients of other plant foods that you’re eating! Love avocados? Then check this out!
This builds and an excellent case to ensure that you always include a healthy fat when eating your veggies.
This smoothie was crazy easy to make. I didn’t even peel the peaches, which actually added some nice lil pretty flecks of red.
Normally the hubster is not one for any type of green concoction but this one had him coming back sip after sip. Ha ha gotcha homeboy.
It’s a painful process at times, but I’m slowly converting him 😉
Now let’s raise a glass to peaches!

Peaches n Green Smoothie
- ¾ cup spinach
- ⅓ cup grapes I used green
- ¾ cup peaches about 1 large peach
- ½ banana
- ½ avocado
- ¾ cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- Throw all ingredients into blender and blend away. Yes, it’s really that simple. You’re welcome