Dr. Ian Smith is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Clean and Lean, Clean 20, Super Shred, and Blast The Sugar Out. He is a graduate of Harvard, Columbia, and the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. He has created two national health initiatives–the 50 Million Pound Challenge and the Makeover Mile—and has served two terms on the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition.
Personally, he’s helped me with my weight loss struggle many years ago. After doing a lot of research, he was one of those that was instrumental to my weight loss of 30lbs. for six years now.
Dr. Smith’s new book Mind Over Weight has many valuable lessons to teach us how to unlock our motivation for healthy eating. He explains why we so often try a diet for a while, but eventually revert back to donuts and french fries.
In this episode Dr. Smith sat down with me to discuss his new book and how to do intermittent fasting the right way to get results.
Here’s a look at what we’ll discuss in this episode:
Dr. Ian Smith is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Clean and Lean, Clean 20, Super Shred, and Blast The Sugar Out. He is a graduate of Harvard, Columbia, and the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.
He has personally helped me with my weight loss struggle many years ago. After doing a lot of research, he has been one of those that was instrumental to my weight loss of 30lbs. for six years now.
In this episode we’ll help you understand how your body reacts and how your decisions to these triggers can affect your health and weight loss. Dr. Ian will also discuss and provide great analogies to understand hunger and cravings, and how to get going with Intermittent Fasting.
[5:11] Your body floods your brain with dopamine… It tells your body that you like this and it increases the memory of what it was that caused the pleasure.
[5:40] When you see a chocolate cake, smell it or you think about it, then your body starts releasing that dopamine again. Your body needs to respond to this trigger, to go get the reward.
[6:20] Hunger is like your oil light. When you’re low on oil, your oil light comes on. No matter how many times you turn your car on or off, the oil light is gonna come back on until you give it oil.
[6:35] Cravings are like your Bluetooth. When you get into your car and the dashboard says, do you want to connect your Bluetooth? If you don’t do anything at all, eventually that prompt is gonna go away.
[7:55] How we carry ourselves externally may have nothing to do with what’s going on internally.
[8:19] Weight loss is a journey. For many, it’s a battle.
[8:46] Sometimes when we think it’s not gonna happen, it comes to vision that it doesn’t happen.
[15:45] The reason why intermittent fasting works, one of the reasons is because it’s simple energy management.
[16:13] Your body prefers to have the energy for food. But if you don’t have any food energy available, then your body will go into your fat source and release that fat. Release it in an energy form that can be used by your body
[16:30] Intermittent fasting is all about fat burning.
[16:41] The critical thing about intermittent fasting is that you have to be consistent.
[17:30] You got to stick to your windows.
[18:22] You can see results in the first couple of weeks. Some people make it a way of eating
[19:26] People have defined ways to release their stress in a positive way.
[19:33] Stress is a normal part of living. The question is how do you handle the stress?
[19:44] That may temporary relieve the emotional stress that you’re under currently but it’s not a good long term solution.
[20:16] There are all kinds of ways that we can deal with the stress without turning into that high-calorie food that have no nutritional value.
[20:35] Take some time to think of more productive ways. Not only can you release the stress in a productive way, but you also have something accomplished.
[21:03] I think the most common mistake is that some people have unrealistic goals.
[24:43] I don’t want to wake up one day and be seventy years old and thinking what if I had done this, what if I had done that.
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- Dr. Ian Smith Website