Once you pop you can’t stop – ain’t that the truth. Now today’s episode might land me in hot water but it’s worth it because today we’re pulling back the lid on hyperpalatable foods and how they wreck your weight loss. You’re like hyper what?
So What are Hyperpalatable foods?
Hyperpalatable foods are those that hit the ‘sweet spot’ in your mouth and immediately tell your brain to have more, even if you are full. Hyper means excessive and palatable means appetizing, pleasing to the taste buds – palatable occurs in nature (in honey, for example). Hyperpalatability is man-made (in honey-roasted and salted peanuts, for example).
Once you pop you can’t stop – ain’t that the truth. Now today’s episode might land me in hot water but it’s worth it because today we’re pulling back the lid on hyperpalatable foods and how they wreck your weight loss. You’re like hyper what?
So What are Hyperpalatable foods?
Hyperpalatable foods are those that hit the ‘sweet spot’ in your mouth and immediately tell your brain to have more, even if you are full. Hyper means excessive and palatable means appetizing, pleasing to the taste buds – palatable occurs in nature (in honey, for example). Hyperpalatability is man-made (in honey-roasted and salted peanuts, for example).
Here’s a look at what we’ll discuss in this episode:
Who doesn’t like sugar, right? Studies show that an average American consumes over 150lbs. in a year or 6 cups of sugar in one week.
If you’ve ever wondered why this is happening, listen in as I share with you what the difference between palatable and hyper-palatable is, and what makes you crave certain foods like pizza, pastries, ice cream, and chocolate.
Technology plays a big factor especially in today’s food choices but it’s not something you can’t do something about. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Once you understand how your food is processed, you’ll discover how little steps can help you closer to your weight loss goals.
[2:49] Food scientists hi-jack your taste buds by actually calculating the bliss point of sugary foods and beverages so that you get hooked.
[4:33] Science of food addiction is clearer now, than ever before.
[5:15] When this pleasure sensor is activated, it makes us feel good. It actually drives out to seek out more of that feeling.
[9:26] Research indicates that chocolate is the most frequently craved food among women.
[10:08] That’s a habit-forming drug called, Theobromine. It’s a mild stimulant on its own. But when added it’s added to something that’s already highly addictive like chocolate, it puts many of us over the edge.
[10:15] This is why I’m very particular as to where I purchase my chocolate from.
[11:55] Our current food system is less than a century old and not nearly enough time for humans to genetically adapt to the radical changes that occurred.
[12:10] Many researchers believe that this evolutionary mismatch is why we suffer from a high rate of lifestyle-related disorders such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
[13:10] Rather than getting fat from meat and whole foods, dairy, and nuts, we now get them mechanically from oils that are cheap and convenient.
[13:31] Which one is the enemy? Is it too much sugar or too much fat?
[14:08] Technology has allowed us to create foods that are far more seductive than those that occur in nature.
[14:25] It was just an unfortunate side effect of the race to make money.
[14:36] About $8.8B was spent on ads for unhealthiest offerings.
[16:18] How can we fight this instinctive force that makes us eat too much?
[17:45] They feel like they don’t have enough will power. The key is to control your food cues in your personal environment.
[18:55] Try to avoid foods that have this combination.
[21:34} Put those healthy foods within reach.
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Links mentioned in this episode:
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- What type of dieter are you? Click here to take the quiz!
- Mind Your Body Program
- Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss
- Dr Mark Hyman
- Dr David Ludwig