Are you getting enough Vitamin D?
Here are some signs to watch out for.
The pandemic has hit us all hard to say the least, but there are some things that you can do to support your immune health agains all virus. One of them is getting enough Vitamin D.Without adequate levels of Vitamin D your immune system may be impaired.
For example one study found an association between low average levels of vitamin D and high numbers of COVID-19 cases and mortality rates across 20 European countries. Vitamin D modulates the response of white blood cells, preventing them from releasing too many inflammatory cytokines. The COVID-19 virus is known to cause an excess of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
About 70% of North Americans suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, a nutrient that is so vital to our bodies for so many functions. It helps to support your immune system, making your body more equipped to fight illness and disease, and it builds strong bones, teeth and muscles.
Additionally most African Americans are low in Vitamin D and Vitamin D helps with immune health and respiratory health. Blacks are naturally deficient because of the melanin in our skin and melanin blocks out Vitamin D. Vitamin D may not be the be all and end all but every little bit you can do helps.
For more information about African American and COVID, check out this podcast episode – “Why Are More Black Americans Dying of COVID-19′
As we know the sun is the best source of Vitamin D and it’s tough to get through food that’s why you may want to consider taking a supplement. Some food sources include salmon, cod liver oil, egg yolk, mushrooms and dairy.
First before taking any supplements – get your levels checked – get a full blood work to get numbers across the board and from there based on your doctor’s recommendation you may want to consider adding a supplement.
Disclaimer – To be clear I am NOT saying that Vitamin D will prevent you from contracting COVID or cure COVID and please consult with your physician before starting any supplements.
There are many Vitamin D deficiency symptoms however here are 4 of the most common deficiency symptoms to look out for.
1. Feeling Blue or Sad
Researchers have found that woman with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to be depressed or struggle with deep feelings of sadness.
2. Mood Swings
Feeling a bit irritable? Vitamin D helps your body to produce serotonin, the “feel good hormone” which has a major impact on our mood.
3. Tired and Sleepy
Feeling sluggish during the day? Lack of energy is a tell tale symptom of people with low levels of vitamin D.
4. Overweight
Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin is stored in our fat cells. If you’re overweight and struggling to lose weight, odds are that you require more vitamin D. Vitamin D was deemed to be instrumental in a study by the European Congress on Obesity studying the link between Vitamin D and weight loss.
Here’s a few ways to increase your Vitamin D intake:
Get out and feel the sun! Soaking in sunlight for 10 to 15 minutes will boost your vitamin D level.
Turn to food sources like egg yolks, fish, cod liver oil, fortified dairy and grain products. You can also get them from mushrooms. Here’s a cool trick. Leave mushrooms in direct sunlight for 1 hour to naturally create Vitamin D!
Try getting Vitamin D in supplement form after consulting with your doctor. As a culinary nutritionist I’m trained in the therapeutic properties of food however there are some Vitamins like Vitamin D that are tough to obtain from food alone.
There are two different types of Vitamin D supplements – Vitamin D2 and D3. If you do decide to take a supplement, make sure that you are taking a Vitamin D3 supplement.
Vitamin D2 is inferior to Vitamin D3. Your body doesn’t store as much Vitamin D with a Vitamin D2 supplement. Vitamin D3 is converted into active Vitamin D in your body 500 percent faster than Vitamin D2.
Vitamin D3 is a natural form that is produced by your body in response to sun. Therefore it absorbs best in the body. Although it sounds strange, Vitamin D3 is actually obtained from sheep’s wool. Yes you read that right. When sunlight hits the sheep’s wool, Vitamin D3 is produced! How awesome is that?
The other source of Vitamin D3 is fish oil. Fish oil comes from the skin of fatty fish such as salmon and tuna which naturally contain Vitamin D.
If you’re not vegetarian or vegan I would say go for D3 on the other hand if you are vegan/vegetarian or sensitive to animal products then go with Vitamin D2.
The recommended daily amount of Vitamin D is 600 IU (15 mcg).
Here’s a quick tip!
Adding coconut oil to your diet may act as a carrier to further Vitamin D3 absorption.

If you feel you may be suffering from a deficiency your doctor can perform a test to let you know. With Vitamin D being such an important part of our bodies functions it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough of the good stuff!
Thanks Tru for your insightful information. I will get some D3 in me soon. Thanks for all you do in assisting everyone with the means to living a healthy lifestyle.
Thank you Jackie! Appreciate your feedback 🙂